Sustainability with Mater

Talking Materials with Henrik

The studio attended a talk with the founder and Head of Circular Transformation for Mater, Henrik Marstrand.

Who is Mater? 

Looking for some inspiration in sustainable design? Look no further than Mater, the Copenhagen-based brand that has been revolutionizing the way we think about sustainable materials since 2006. Founded with the mission of inspiring a global design audience and promoting sustainable thinking, Mater has quickly become a pioneering global brand with a commitment to sustainability embedded in its core.

“Mater means ‘mother’ in Latin.

The name is the daily reminder of our small contribution to preventing the challenges ‘mother earth’ faces. Design influences how we as humans live our lives; it shapes values, culture and society. Unfortunately, we are increasingly aware that the choices made during design processes often have environmental consequences. However, as a manufacturer, we have the opportunity to rethink dubious practices and create an ethical and sustainable design that minimises adverse social and environmental impacts.”  - Henrik Marstrand, Founder

The Evening

A Sense of Community

Recently, Jones & Partners attended a talk by Henrik Marstrand, the founder and Head of Circular Transformation for Mater.

The event was packed with talented designers from a wide range of backgrounds, including architects, interior designers, and product designers, all eager to learn more about Mater's innovative use of recycled materials.

Practice What You Preach

The Showroom

One of Mater's standout designs is the Ocean Chair, a beautiful and functional piece of furniture made entirely from ocean waste plastic.

Designed for disassembly, the Ocean Chair is a testament to Mater's commitment to sustainability and circular production. Each component of the chair can be recycled back into production circles, ensuring that there is zero waste.

The Mission

Whats Next?

During his talk, Henrik stressed the importance of involving a narrative in sustainable design. It's not enough to create beautiful and functional products from recycled materials – we also need to communicate the story behind those materials to the customer and user.

By explaining the beauty of what waste can become, we can inspire awider audience to embrace sustainable thinking and design.

Henrik also emphasized the importance of collaboration with specialists and partners in the material scene to ensure that sustainable designs are commercially viable for both clients and consumers.

As we continue to push the boundaries of material technology, it's essential that we share our insights and collaborate with the wider community to promote sustainability and circular production.

Overall, we were inspired by Mater's commitment to sustainable design and their innovative use of recycled materials. We're looking forward to attending more events like this throughout the year and continuing to learn from the leaders in sustainable design.